VPDC Dry Suit Course
The waters around Cornwall never get that cold but in the winter the temperature can fall to within the range when drysuits are often worn. Drysuits work a bit differently to wetsuits as they are full of air, which unlike water, can be compressed and can move around within the suit. This can lead to buoyancy issues which in turn can cause safety problems.
For those who want to dive in dry suits without needing a full PADI speciality accreditation, we offer a course consisting of a pool and a sea dive that provides the instruction needed to dive safely in a dry suit in UK waters. The pool session allows the diver to gain an appreciation of the weight required to wear a dry suit to allow sufficient air to be introduced to maintain warmth and the way in which buoyancy is controlled. The sea session allows this learning to be practically applied and to make sure that the diver can stay warm and safe while dry suit diving.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or Junior Advanced Open Water Diver
Minimum Age
12 years
Contact us to book or find out more