Emergency First Response Courses

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Emergency First Response (EFR) is an internationally recognised First Aid training organisation that offers up to date and consistent training to individuals and groups to ensure that they are able to deal with First Aid emergencies before emergency services arrive at the scene. The Primary and Secondary course includes Oxygen and Automated External Defibrillation administration and includes diving-specific modules.

Click below to have a look at the pages on specific courses below or contact us to find out more. We would be very happy to help you.

The Emergency First Response accreditation courses offered at Viewpoint Diving Cornwall are:

EFR Primary and Secondary Care

EFR First Aid at Work

EFR First Aid at Work Refresher

EFR Care for Children

EFR 12 hour course for nannies and child carers

EFR Manual Handling



Click on the links to find out more or contact us.