Dive Club twice a month from Portmellon subject to conditions
We have a very active and well supported dive club, which meets at least once a week and has members of all ages and experience levels. We are also the only UK Disabled Diving International Centre (https://www.ddivers.org) so we fully support and encourage our members with additional needs.
We have a certifed disabled diving buddy available on request to assist with any additional needs.
We pride ourselves on the friendliness of the club, its support for new and developing members as well as the social aspects and our keen interests in protecting marine life and the environment.
Occasionally we will arrange beach cleans, underwater rubbish collections and are happy to support referral to other supporting organisations that you can get involved in.
All prices exclude any payments to third-parties, for example site access, food, travelling and parking costs – these are normally paid direct to the vendor.
There may be a one-off joining fee or re-joining fee of £50
CLUB DIVING 2024/2025
PAYG Pay as You Go – £25 Including Air and Weights or £35 with full kit including a semi dry, gloves, hood, mask, BCD, boots, Dry Suits are an additional £10 per dive on PAYG so a total of £45
Membership is paid by standing order in advance.
Failure to pay on time will be deemed to count as cancellation of membership.If your membership is cancelled (either by you or because you failed to pay membership fees on time) you are more than welcome to re-join, but you will need to either pay the missing months membership fees or another joining fee. As a member of the club you will be liable to pay for any losses or the repair of any damages occurred during the club dive to your borrowed or rented equipment.