PADI Full Face Mask (IDM) courses

Full Face Masks or Integrated Diving Masks encompass the entire face so you can breath through your nose and mouth, just like in the air. They offer a number of advantages:

  • The air flow in the mask prevents fogging
  • The combination of face seal and positive pressure effectively prevents flooding
  • The pressure in the mask is equalised with each inhalation
  • Jaw fatigue is prevented as there is nothing to bite onto
  • Enables diver to diver and diver to surface communications

At Viewpoint Diving we offer a range of courses on full face masks as well as selling the product, the specialities offered are:

  • PADI Full Face Mask
  • PADI Ocean Reef IDM
  • PADI Ocean Reef diver to diver communications
  • PADI Ocean Reef diver to surface communications

HOT OFF THE PRESS: PADI are now authorising divers to learn to use a Full Face Mask in the last dives of the Open Water Course